I’m just a mama raising a bilingual child in Estonia and looking for group activities for him in Italian so he would be able to pick up this language easily as well. But as there is no such activities found here so I thought to start something myslef, unfortunatelly I do not speak Italian myself.
I was wondering if maybe in Estonia there is already an Italian student or volunteer that would like to sing/dance/play with children ages 1-6 yo 1-4 x a month for around 1h and pass on Italian culture and language to little (half-)Italians in Estonia through play like that.
What skills/resources are expected from the voulunteers?
The volunteer(s) would play/sing/dance/read books/tell stories in Italian with children for 30-60 mins and then would follow free play for kids where the volunteers do not need to attend if they do not wish. The parents would be around, so volunteer is not left alone with the children.
The volunteer must speak Italian well and must like children. Would be a bonus if she/he knows Italian songs and folk stories.
What volunteering offers?
Well all that this job would offer is the pleasure to pass on your culture and language to little people so they won’t forget their roots. Also opportunity to meet other Italians in Estonia.